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After Crucifixion
5.5 x 7.5. This is the Artist's Proof, done Aug 23, 2014, on moistened Hannemühl paper using Spinks Acrylic black ink 700 mixed more or less 50/50 with linseed oil. There is an extensive description of the technique used in my blog for Aug 24, 2014.
Drowing the image: I used oil pastel for the main black areas. Most of this came out reasonably well. For the central white cross area I scribbled on a piece of fabric and ironed on to the plywood. Almost none of this image appeared. For the hands on the cross I used a Sharpie, waterbased paint pen, the kind with a ball that clicks when you shake it. This image was also completely unsuccessful. I also applied gouache, also unbsuccessful. In fact the most successful thing were the tool marks. In a future version, I might try making nail shaped marks in the black background.
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